Sanitary Sewer Evaluation Service (SSES)

Suncoast Infrastructure offers a complete range of services and reports to help you evaluate your sewer system. We have an experienced team of sewer evaluation professionals with many years of field experience. Our services include smoke testing, cleaning & closed circuit television (CCTV), flow monitoring, manhole inspection, and GIS acquisition.

Smoke Testing
Smoke testing is an economical way to locate leaks, breaks, cross-connections, and openings in your sewer lines, manholes, and laterals. Suncoast can prepare a detailed smoke testing report containing maps and pictures of smoke observance locations. This information can be used to assess which areas may be the largest contributor to Inflow and Infiltration in your system. This will help you narrow your focus for further investigation or repairs.

Flow Monoriting
Suncoast can install temporary flow monitors and rain gauges at designated locations in your sewer collection system. The changes in flow can be compared to rainfall data to help determine Inflow and Infiltration levels in the different areas of your system. This data can be used to target problem lines and basins for further investigation or repairs.

Cleaning, CCTV, and PACP
Closed circuit television (CCTV) inspection is the most valuable tool for evaluating the condition of your system. Suncoast Infrastructure takes this information to the next level with state of the art DVD video and PACP compliant reporting. National Association of Sewer System Companies (NASSCO) has standardized CCTV defect coding with their Pipeline and Certification Program (PACP). The PACP provides standards for evaluating, defect labeling, and data exchange for CCTV inspections. Many owners and engineers are requiring all CCTV inspections and reports to be submitted in this format. Rehabilitation recommendations are provided based on these reports and our years of experience.

Manhole Inspection
A manhole and wetwell inspection report includes digital pictures along with significant details including location, measurements, condition, and rehabilitation recommendations if deemed appropriate. GIS coordinates of these structures can also be provided. As with the above reports this data documents your need for funding and can be used to obtain CDBG, HUD, SRF, and other state and federal grants and loans.

SSES Brochure

Our territory includes: Mississippi, Louisiana, Arkansas, Georgia, East Texas, West Tennessee, Alabama and Florida Panhandle.

Contact us for more info.
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