Structure Guard® 100% Solids Epoxy

Structure Guard® Epoxy Coating

Wetwell lining Suncoast Infrastructure is proud to be the licensed applicator of Structure Guard® 100% solids epoxy coating. This unique product and application process has the ability to produce a ceramic-like finish in damp environments that can resist attacks by hydrogen sulfide and other aggressive chemicals. Manholes, wetwells, pump stations, pipelines, and other structures can be completely structurally rehabilitated with minimal out-of-service time. Structure Guard® is environmentally friendly and safe and it is backed with one of the longest warranties in the industry.

Suncoast Infrastructure is proud to be the licensed applicator of Structure Guard® 100% solids epoxy coating. This unique product and application process has the ability to produce a ceramic-like finish in damp environments that can resist attacks by hydrogen sulfide and other aggressive chemicals. Manholes, wetwells, pump stations, pipelines, and other structures can be completely structurally rehabilitated with minimal out-of-service time. Structure Guard® is environmentally friendly and safe and it is backed with one of the longest warranties in the industry.

Structure Guard® epoxy is ideal for rehabilitating manholes, lift stations, treatment plants and all other structures that have been deteriorated by hydrogen sulfide attack and corrosion. Additionally, many design engineers and their clients are discovering the value of coating new structures with Structure Guard® epoxy. This coating will protect the investment of the customer for years to come.

Structure Guard® epoxy is used by a growing number of municipalities to protect sewer manholes from hydrogen sulfide attack as well as infiltration from ground water. Industrial plants are finding many uses for Structure Guard® epoxy in their underground systems including containment structures holding high temperature and chemicals.

Structure Guard® epoxy is ideally suited for the rehabilitation of large diameter sewer lines, tunnels, aqueducts, brick and concrete tanks, steel tanks and many other concrete, brick, or steel structures.

Vortex Structure Guard® website
100% Epoxy Coatings specifications
Sample Comprehensive Manhole/Wetwell specifications
Product Data Sheets

Our territory includes: Mississippi, Louisiana, Arkansas, Georgia, East Texas, West Tennessee, Alabama and Florida Panhandle.

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